DNA Policy
Carbal Medical Services’
Did Not Attend Policy
Current as of 1 March 2024
Timeliness and attendance at scheduled appointments are essential not only as a demonstration of respect for others’ time but also to ensure fair access to our services.
Being on time is a fundamental aspect of our commitment to serving our community effectively, and it helps us manage waiting lists efficiently, preventing any disadvantages for others seeking our assistance.
For this reason, starting as at 01/04/2024 Carbal is implementing a new policy for clients scheduling appointments. If a client misses two consecutive appointments without providing adequate notice, a Failure to Attend Fee will be implemented. This fee will amount to $20.00 for a GP consultation and laser appointment, and $30.00 for an Allied Health Appointment.
Payment options will be either credit / debit card over the phone, or an invoice being issued. Patients who incur fees will be responsible for these fees. DNA fees are not Medicare rebateable.
Carbal Medical Services reserves the right to request these fees are paid in full before another appointment can be made. You may also be limited in the ways you can book in the future for repeat, serious offenders. (e.g. only able to book last appointments of the day.)
We acknowledge that unforeseen emergencies may occur, and circumstances might shift. However, we request your cooperation in respecting our policy by promptly communicating any cancellations or changes to your appointment. This enables us to reallocate the appointment to another community member in need of healthcare services.
Failure to adhere to this request will result in a nominal fee, ensuring Carbal can continue offering exceptional healthcare services at no cost to the community. Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated.