Carbal Medical Services | Excellence in Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander Health
Carbal Medical Services | Excellence in Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander Health
Carbal Medical Services | Excellence in Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander Health


Online TIS Resources

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Carbal Can Tackle Indigenous Smoking

Tackling Indigenous
Smoking (TIS) Resources

Our slogan “Carbal Can” means that together we can all work towards Tackling Indigenous Smoking.

You can now access Carbal’s range of online Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) resources to change the lives of mob in your local community.

Carbal Can
Tackle Indigenous Smoking!

We believe it is everybody’s job to help mob on their quitting journey.

Our team aims to:

  • Improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people;
  • Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people's understanding and education towards the long-term dangers of smoking;
  • Promote the benefits of quitting;
  • Discourage young people from taking up smoking;
  • Support communities to establish smoke-free households; and
  • Support clinical and non-clinical services related to quitting.

You can be part of this team by promoting ‘NO SMOKING OR VAPING FOR OUR MOB’ – we’re all in this together!

The amount of individuals we've helped to start their quitting journey since 2010!

Regions Serviced

Floating Item

Not in our region?

You can still access our promotional materials
– we’re all in this together!

Access TIS Resources

TIS Resources for Schools

TIS Resources for Schools

Access a range of fun & free TIS resources for your kids to use in class or at home.

TIS Resources for Workplaces

TIS Resources for Workplaces

Access free resources to help you and your workmates start their quitting journey.

TIS Social Media Assets

TIS Social Media Assets

Feel free to re-use our Facebook posts in your social media – remember, we’re all in this together!

11 Quick Questions – TIS Survey

Complete our short online survey and help us help YOU to quit. One of our Aboriginal Health Workers will get in touch to support you on your journey

TIS Survey - Online TIS Resources | Carbal Medical Services

Send Us A Message

How can Carbal’s TIS team help you?

We’d love to hear from you!

Please submit your details and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss further with you.

Carbal Can Tackle Indigenous Smoking - TIS Logo