Competent CAT:
Cultural Awareness Training
Cultural Awareness Training for Workplaces & Organisations
Carbal’s Cultural Awareness Training (CAT) is an interactive online course that provides the practical tools for workplaces, organisations and individuals to better deliver culturally competent services to their clients and stakeholders.
Carbal’s Cultural Awareness Training (CAT) online education package was developed through meeting community need across Australia.
Does Your Organisation Have a Reconciliation Action Plan?
Carbal CAT aligns with all core pillars of an organisational RAP.
Our online educational training makes immediate meaningful action that advances reconciliation with.
- Easy to implement/deliver to staff
- Excellent professional development
- Low cost (with no travel or downtime incurred)
- Measurable outcome against organisational RAP
- Ensuring culturally-appropriate engagement & services offered
Course Overview
Carbal CAT helps your organisation to begin to develop cultural competencies through information and education of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander journey, building skills and confidence to benefit your organisation and the wider community.
The course is interactive and contains quizzes, reflections and videos and has the added benefit of being self-paced.
Most often Cultural Awareness Training is delivered face-to-face, however to broaden the scope of delivery and be accessible right now, in the right location, at the right time; this online dynamic education package has been developed.
Who Can Enrol?
Carbal CAT can be undertaken by anyone in Australia.
Enhancement of knowledge in cultural awareness applies to us all… we can all make a difference in the reconciliation journey!
Course Duration
Carbal CAT is an 8 hour learning package.
The entire course is required to be completed within 3 months of enrolling.
All Participants Receive an A4 Certificate of Completion!
Course Topics
Health Education
Social & Emotional Wellbeing
Course Fees
This course can be purchased in a variety of ways:
1. Once-Off Registration per Participant
Individually this course is valued at $180.00 (inc. GST).
2. Organisational License:
Obtain an organisational license which provides an entire workplace access to undertake Carbal CAT.
3. Government or Peak Body License:
Access for associated members or organisations.
Evaluation, Analytics & Reporting
The learning platform utilised enables Carbal to monitor participant progress and learning outcomes achieved.
Through de-identified data, Carbal can provide an evaluation report to funding bodies upon participant completion.
Contact Carbal today to discuss your specific requirements, contractual obligations and professional development deliverables:
Participant Testimonials
"Very informative education.
I have a far greater respect for the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander culture."
This education has given me a new lens and will impact the way I deliver my services to my clients."
"Loved the online education! It allowed me to have training at my office desk."
“This was one of the most fulfilling and educational sessions I have ever attended. I am inspired by the resilience of the Aboriginal people."
"A fantastic way to ‘Close the Gap’, providing comprehensive education on the most important topic of all."
"This aligned with every strategy in our Reconciliation Action Plan. Incredible!"
"Having this online course available to staff is our opportunity to make a difference."
"I have benefited in the way of understanding a persons connection to the land, how family system works, and because of this, I am able to implement more appropriate care to my patients."
"The training was powerful, shifting understanding to further support First Nations. Australia has a black history, through understanding, connection, there is hope."
"This has been the most valuable training I have ever completed."
Interested in Cultural
Awareness Training?
How can we accomodate your organisation’s specific needs in accessing Carbal’s Cultural Awareness Training? Our education team are here to make it happen so please reach out to us!
For all enquiries, please phone Carbal’s Education and Marketing Coordinator on 0476 863 318 during 8:30AM to 4:30PM, Monday to Friday or submit an online enquiry now.