Carbal Medical Services | Excellence in Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander Health
Carbal Medical Services | Excellence in Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander Health
Carbal Medical Services | Excellence in Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander Health

Tackle Indigenous
Smoking (TIS)

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Carbal Can Tackle Indigenous Smoking!

Carbal Can Tackle Indigenous Smoking - TIS Logo

Fact: Most people who smoke want to quit.

Nearly 80% of smokers make at least one attempt to quit and around half try to quit smoking each year.

In line with the national Closing The Gap framework, Carbal prioritises providing support to those who want help to step off the smokes and start living a healthier life.

Book a visit with one of our Aboriginal Health Workers to discuss taking the first step today.

What is your motivation to quit?

Watch our 30-second television advertisement and ask yourself if you can relate to these circumstances?

Thousands of People Stop
Smoking Every Day… By Dying From It

Do you want to quit smoking, but don’t know how to?

Are you concerned about your health and want to quit because it’s affecting you, your health and your families health due to passive smoking?

Can’t keep up playing sports due to your smoking habit?

Can’t keep up in any activities you participate with your children, have shortness of breath, coughing and no energy?

Carbal Can Help You!

Why Do You Smoke?

Nicotine is the addictive substance found in tobacco, so when you become addicted, the body starts to crave the nicotine.

When you have been smoking for a period of time, your body starts to look for it to make your body feel ‘normal‘ Signs we have become addicted are:

  • Looking for a smoke first thing in the morning;
  • Smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day;
  • Starting to have cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) | Carbal Medical Services

What Triggers You To Smoke?

Some of the common, daily circumstances that trigger people to light a cigarette include:

  • Talking on the phone
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Drinking coffee
  • Feeling bored
  • Feeling stressed
  • Waiting to pick kids up from school
  • Passing time
  • Family situations

The Harmful Effects Smoking Has On The Body

Most adult smokers are not fully aware of the risks that smoking can have on their health:

Lung Damage
Blocked Arteries Causing Heart Attack
Weakens Immune System
It's the Number #1 Cause of Cancer
Leads to Strokes
Causes Breathlessness

The Benefits Of Quitting:

Better Health & More Energy | Benefits for Quitting Smoking

Better Health & More Energy

Spend more quality time with your family

Save Money | Benefits for Quitting Smoking

Save Money

An average smoker saves about $5000+ each year after quitting

Take Back Control Of Your Life | Benefits for Quitting Smoking

Take Back Control Of Your Life

You no longer have to dedicate taking time out of your day for a habit that kills!

Quit Smoking Resources

NRT stands for ‘Nicotine Replacement Therapy,’ which includes the patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler, and Quickmist mouth spray.

NRT was created specifically to make withdrawal from nicotine easier.

It works by giving you small, measured doses of nicotine.

Research has shown over and over that when NRT is used properly and with a behavioural program, it can as much as double your chances of quitting and staying quit.

That’s because it helps reduce the severity of cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It makes your day-to-day life more manageable, so you can handle things better while you’re quitting.

To access NRT, speak to Carbal’s Aboriginal Health Workers or get a referral from your GP.

Download the
My QuitBuddy App

My QuitBuddy is an app that helps you get, and stay, smoke-free. It provides helpful tips and distractions to overcome cravings, tracking systems to chart your progress and the facts to help you understand the impact smoking has on your health.

Quit Now: My QuitBuddy
Download Quit Now: My QuitBuddy on Google Play
Download Quit Now: My QuitBuddy on the Apple App Store
Download Quit Now: My QuitBuddy on the Microsoft Store

Access Carbal’s FREE Online Smoking Cessation Resources

Carbal has developed a range of free online smoking resources for schools and workplaces.

Get Started On Your
Journey To Quit!

For all enquiries relating to smoking cessation, please contact Carbal Medical Services during clinic hours on the phone number below or submit an online enquiry:

Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) | Carbal Medical Services

Send Us A Message

Are you ready to take back control of your health and start your quitting journey?

We’d love to hear from you!

Please submit your details and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss further with you.

Carbal Can Tackle Indigenous Smoking - TIS Logo